Access Keys:

St Josephs Primary School, Slate Street, Belfast
11th April - End of afterschool clubs for the term | Date for your diary - Sports Day, P4-P7 Tuesday 20th May, P1-P3 Wednesday 21st May: 9.30-12noon at Grosvenor Leisure Centre. Children come to school as normal | 9th April - Primary One School Placement Announcement for P1 September 2025 | Please help us keep attendance high. Days missed from school impacts on learning and progress. It's not long until we are off for Easter!!
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11th April - End of afterschool clubs for the term
Date for your diary - Sports Day, P4-P7 Tuesday 20th May, P1-P3 Wednesday 21st May: 9.30-12noon at Grosvenor Leisure Centre. Children come to school as normal
9th April - Primary One School Placement Announcement for P1 September 2025
Please help us keep attendance high. Days missed from school impacts on learning and progress. It's not long until we are off for Easter!!