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St Josephs Primary School, Slate Street, Belfast
Friday 10 January 2025 – at 12 noon EA Connect opens for online applications for Primary 1.
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Child Protection

St. Joseph’s Primary School is fully committed to the care and protection of the children in its care. The purpose of following procedures on Child Protection is to protect every child by ensuring that everyone who works in our school - teachers, non-teaching staff and volunteers - have clear guidance on the action which is required where abuse or neglect of a child is

suspected. The overriding concern of all caring adults must be the care, welfare and safety of the individual child. The welfare of each child is our paramount consideration. The problem of child abuse will not be ignored by anyone who works in our school.

Child abuse may take a number of forms including; neglect, physical injury, sexual abuse or emotional abuse.

The Designated Teacher for Child Protection in St. Joseph’s is MISS WEIR

The Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection are MISS STARRS, MR FRYERS & MRS CAROLINE MORELLI

ALL have received up-to-date training in this area.

The School’s Policy on Child Protection is updated and distributed annually to our parents.

If you are a child or young person, this part of the website is for you.

The Government here believes that everyone is responsible for making sure that our children and young people (you) are kept safe. Lots of different organisations are working to protect children -

How to get help

Child Sexual Exploitation  - NSPCC Helpline - 08003891701 or

PSNI - 999 if a young person is in immediate danger

You can also contact the helplineBelfast HSC Trust - 028 9050 7000