Access Keys:

St Josephs Primary School, Slate Street, Belfast
Online applications for POST PRIMARY SCHOOL September 2025 will open at 12noon on Tuesday 28 January 2025 and will close at 12noon on Thursday 20 February 2025. | Friday 10 January 2025 – at 12 noon EA Connect opens for online applications for Primary 1.
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Training opportunites with Upper Springfield Development Trust

11th Jan 2024

Belfast Works will be working with adults (or over 16s if not in full time education) who may be interested in any of the courses outlined below. This will be on a one-to-one basis. The project is specifically designed to focus on supporting people who fit any of the criteria below

  •  If you are in receipt of ESA - Employment Support Allowance
  •  Receive Carers Allowance
  •  In receipt of a benefit and have a child under 3
  •  On maternity leave
  •  Early retiree (have not yet received your state pension)
  •  Not working and not in receipt of a benefit

Should you need anymore information you can contact myself on 07485394459 or Christine on 078453944454
OCN Level 1 Awards



What will the learner gain? 

Skills Navigator 


Health and Fitness 

OCN NI Level 1 Award in Vocational Skills 

This qualification will give learners the tools on how to safely participate in physical exercise and understand the importance of having a balanced diet. 



Social Media 

OCN NI Level 1 Award in Social Media 

This qualification  will give learners the opportunity to explore how social media can be used to make use of networks in order to engage with individuals and groups. They will provide learners with the confidence and knowledge to use a variety of social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. 




OCN NI Level 1 Award in Vocational Skills 

This qualification  will equip learners with the basic skills on using a desktop computer/laptop and some of its applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint.   



Personal Development/ Wellbeing 

OCN NI Level 1 Award in Vocational Skills 

This qualification  will provide learners with the tools to reflect on their achievements, skills and interests and set personal goals.  Learners will also build an awareness of mental health, what is mental ill-health and what impacts mental health.  



Personal Success and wellbeing 

OCN NI Level 1 Award in Personal Success and Well-Being 

This qualification  will help support learners in achieving their potential and help them deal more effectively with personal and social issues that may affect their physical and mental health. 



Community Development 

OCN NI Level 1 Award in Community Development 

This qualification  will provide learners with knowledge in community development values, purpose, collective working, individual roles, community strengths and diversity and inequality issues. 



Manage Personal Finances 

OCN NI Level 1 Award in Managing Personal Finances 

This qualification  will help learners develop finance and budgeting skills.  This will help them stay out of debt and reduce financial anxiety.   



Communication Skills 

OCN NI Level 1 Award in Vocational Skills 

This qualification  will enhance listening skills and support learners on how to present different types of information.  Learners will also be equipped with the skills to confidently make decisions. 



Working with Children 

OCN NI Level 1 Award in Vocational Skills 

This qualification will engage learners with strategies to develop language development when working with children through the use of story sacks.  Learners will also explore the importance of diversity when working with children and be provided with a range of activities they can use when working with children 



Art and Crafting 

OCN NI Level 1 Award in Vocational Skills 

This qualification will provide learners with key skills in practical art and crafting.  These skills can be applied to enjoyable home activities with friends, family and children. 




NOCN Entry Level Award in Mathematics Skills (Entry 1) 

This qualification will build learner confidence and develop their skills in using mathematics.  The learner will gain the knowledge and skills required to prepare for further learning and employment and to make progress in their function at home, work and in the community. 
