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Today - 19/10/17: Met Office says flooding is likely as is rush hour disruption

19th Oct 2017

A weather warning has been issued for Northern Ireland just days after ex-Hurricane Ophelia hit the country.

Following Monday's storm, a Yellow warning of rain has been issued for Thursday afternoon between 3pm and 11.55pm - with the potential to cause disruption during rush hour.

The Met Office said: "Heavy rain will affect Northern Ireland later on Thursday. This will fall onto saturated ground and is likely to lead to flooding in places; delayed travel may well result, including through the busy evening period. It is possible that a few properties or businesses could also be affected."

The Chief Forecaster added: "Rain will spread into Northern Ireland on Thursday morning, turning persistent and occasionally heavy in the afternoon and lasting well into the evening before dying out."20 to 40 mm of rain within 12 hours, (perhaps nearer 60 mm over the Mournes) falling on already very wet ground, seems likely to lead to flooding of some prone locations."