Stay & Play in The Sunshine Room
This morning the parents and children from The Sunshine Room had a lovely stay and play session making 'cress heads' with Inhintz from the Whiterock Centre! Why not have a go at home yourself. All you need is: a pop sock, cress seeds, soil, elastic bands, wiggly eyes, foam shapes, feathers and pipe cleaners. Oh and a bit of patience, lol! First you put cress seeds into the bottom of the pop sock. Then you fill a third of the pop sock with soil and tie a knot in it to secure it. After that shape a nose and ears and secure them with the elastic bands. Finally add the wiggly eyes, foam mouth and decorate with feathers and pipe cleaners. Place your cress head in a nice sunny place and water frequently. Enjoy watching your cress head grow hair!
St Josephs Primary School, 1a Slate St, Cullingtree Road, Belfast BT12 4LD Phone: 028 9032 3683