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St Josephs Primary School, Slate Street, Belfast
Friday 10 January 2025 – at 12 noon EA Connect opens for online applications for Primary 1.
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Shared Education showcase

12th Jun 2019

🏫📚 Our Shared Education project with Blackmountain Primary School has been recognised as an example of best practice!! Engagement in the project has enabled our schools to work in partnership, to provide opportunities for our children and staff to engage in collaborative and meaningful learning experiences. Our aim is to build a culture of good relations amongst our children and enhance their educational outcomes. Well done to our staff and the staff of Blackmountain for providing another year of outstanding creative teaching and learning experiences. This project was funded by the European Union under the Peace1V programme. 🏫📚

#TeamSlateStreet #Peace1V #Leargas #ChildrenTogether #CollaborativeWorking