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St Josephs Primary School, Slate Street, Belfast
Sacrament of Confirmation for Catholic children in Year 7 - Friday 21st February at 11am. Fr Martin will be the celebrant
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Back to school Information - Jan 2022

7th Jan 2022


Dear Parent/guardian  

I want to wish you a very Happy 2022 and pray that you and your families keep healthy and safe in the coming months. 

We are very much looking forward to welcoming our children back to school on Monday. We missed them over the Christmas break. 

I know you are aware that the Omicron variant of Covid 19 is extremely contagious, as such our school, like all schools, is facing significant challenges in managing staff absences.  

We want to keep our children IN SCHOOL and endeavor to avoid remote learning. Substitute teachers and assistants are extremely difficult to secure at present. We may therefore, as a last resort, redirect learning support teachers, Mr McCann and myself to teach classes due to the teaching staff having to isolate. 

Parents, I ask you to help us keep our school community safe by following the following guidance. 

  • Adults, please wear a mask on the school run and keep distanced when dropping/collecting children 
  • P1 children should be dropped to the play park entrance at the front of the school. Adults should not come into the school building. 
  • P2 - P7 children can be dropped at the front and rear gates. Staff will be available to direct children to classes. 
  • Children should bring a warm coat to school every day. 
  • Our Board of Governors have asked that children remain at home if there is a positive case in your home (for the duration of the isolation period for the positive case) 
  • Please follow testing procedures as set out by PHA if you or anyone in your house has symptoms or is a close contact of a positive case. Please note that a lateral flow test must be taken on day 6 and 7 by those testing positive. A negative result must be achieved on day 6 AND 7 to enable isolation to end. If a negative result is not achieved on day 6 AND day 7 then the test should be repeated in the following days until 2 consecutive negative results are achieved (with a 24hr gap between the 2 tests). 
  • Close contacts (including children) should take daily lateral flow tests until the tenth day after the last date of contact with a positive case. 
  • Please keep us informed of symptoms, positive cases, or close contacts in your home 
  • Please note children and adults should have a PCR test if they have a cough, fever or loss of taste or smell (the traditional covid symptoms) If you or a family member feels unwell but DOES NOT have any of the traditional symptoms then please do a lateral flow. 
  • New mobile phone for Christmas? Send us your new number via WhatsApp or Messenger

Thank you for your continued support, especially during these challenging times. 

God bless you  

Miss Weir 


Sacrament of Confirmation for Catholic children in Year 7 - Friday 21st February at 11am. Fr Martin will be the celebrant