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St Josephs Primary School, Slate Street, Belfast
Friday 10 January 2025 – at 12 noon EA Connect opens for online applications for Primary 1.
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23/08/20, Reminder & amendments going forward

23rd Aug 2020

😀Slight change - Mr McGoldrick's class to enter via the rear gates at 9am, Mr Fryers class to enter via front gates at 9am.

😀Children who have been on holiday to one of the countries on the quarantine list MUST follow the quarantine timetable set out by the government (Stay home for 2 weeks)

No dinners until September, bring packed lunch daily

P3-P7 will NOT finish at their normal 3pm finish time Mon- Thursday during August. See earlier posts for August start/finish times per class.

😀Remember Friday has always been an earlier finish time. To ensure less congestion at the school gates we have made a small change. If your child has an 8.45 start then he/she will finish at 1.30pm on a Friday. If your child has a 9am start then he/she will finish at 1.45 on a Friday.

😀No schoolbags or lunch boxes.

😀If your child has developed a medical condition or allergy over the summer it is essential that you DM/Email us with as much information as possible. Please state your child's name, DOB, teacher, condition/allergy, contact details for doctor/nurse and a photo of any care plans given to you

😀Epipen: Check the expiry date on your child's Epipen if one has been prescribed. We MUST always have 2 in school.

😀Remind children not to share food/drinks

😀Return all reading books, dictionaries and borrowed Ipads.

😀Home learning packs sent out during last term should not be returned to school.  

Folks all of the information we provide going forward is subject to change. The one thing that WILL NOT change is our zero tolerance on risk. If anyone in your house is showing symptoms the whole family must stay at home and be tested. You must then inform the school. We know as the winter approaches that our children may have a temperature or a new cough; we can't assume this is just a seasonal cold. It is essential that the child, siblings and parents stay home, be tested and the school is informed. Regardless of how often this happens. We can't afford to take chances and it is only by following this health advice that we can keep our school a safe place for all. Have a lovely weekend and see you soon - feeling excited🥳