News & Photos
2020/2021 School Year
31st Dec 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
As you are probably now aware, the Minister of Education...
15th Dec 2020
📰 ❤️ Hot news! Stop the press! Nuria’s poem has been chosen to be published...
10th Dec 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians
The children have recently been giving thanks...
8th Dec 2020
👏🎅🏻Thank you to our friends in Falls Partnership Initiative for arranging...
7th Dec 2020
Visiting a school is usually all about the people; being able to get a sense of...
1st Dec 2020
December has well and truly arrived with our children excitedly telling us about...
St Josephs Primary School, 1a Slate St, Cullingtree Road, Belfast BT12 4LD Phone: 028 9032 3683