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St Josephs Primary School, Slate Street, Belfast
Friday 10 January 2025 – at 12 noon EA Connect opens for online applications for Primary 1.
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🎵 🎵Arrangements for P 7 show🎵🎵

13th Jun 2019


Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th June ~

✅ We will be serving a light breakfast club in the P2 classrooms as the stage will be fully assembled in the hall. Enter via P2 rear doors for breakfast club

Tuesday 18th June ~

✅ Packed lunches have been ordered for   those children entitled to free school meals

✅ There will be no 3-4pm after school clubs as staff will be preparing costumes, sound, light etc.

✅ P7 children must arrive into school at 8.30am & again at 6pm

✅ P5 & P6 children will be singing at the show and should arrive at 6.30pm (wear jeans – school will provide a t-shirt for them, no make-up required)

✅ P7 children should come to school with foundation make up applied

✅ We will be using stage makeup for eyes, lips and cheeks. Please make us aware if your child has allergies & is NOT to have make up applied

✅ All guests to be seated for 6.50pm

✅ Tickets still on sale now £2.50 each, performances at 10am & 7pm

✅ Please DO NOT send in snacks for children as we have many serious allergies in school (sorry but health first)

Wednesday 19th June ~

✅ P5, 6 & 7 children are permitted to come to school on Wednesday 19th June at 10am as we appreciate they will be tired after their performance.